Sunday, October 31, 2010

"I believe that the so-called writing block is a product of some kind of disproportion between your standards and your performance...It doesn't make any difference if you are good or bad today. The assessment of the product is something that happens after you've done it."

William Stafford

It's not that I have writer's block, per se; I just don't have time to write anything more than what's required of me for class. At least not in November, when NaNoWriMo starts up.

For one thing, I haven't had time to come up with a novel idea. I've had a few sparks but nothing that I could write 50,000 words on. If I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo, I want to get some significant work done on a novel. So, I'm going to have to pass on it this year; maybe next summer I'll come up with a project to do next November.

As of now, I'm taking two classes, doing work study in O.T.S. at U.B., doing layout for the school paper (for which I get paid a very small stipend), and now (hopefully) working part-time at another place. I need the money, so I'm hoping that, when I get the call sometime this week, it's good news. The woman I interviewed with seemed very optimistic that she'll hire me. She was impressed with my résumé and fascinated by the story of how I came to be in a creative writing program. If things go well, I might actually have some spending money this holiday season – and subsequently, for that matter.

Having two part-time jobs, and one volunteer/stipend job that I'm using solely for publishing experience for my résumé, is far from ideal. I'd much rather have a full-time job but, as Samantha wrote recently, can't seem to find anything in (or close to) Baltimore.

I'll stick with this for a while, but sooner or later, I'll have to go back to the drawing board and find myself a career job.

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