Sunday, October 10, 2010

"When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste."

Laiko Bahrs

Well, I guess I didn't follow Bahrs' directions for baking, which are directions.

I was flipping through my copy of my grandma's cookbook the other day and decided to try to make Chocolate Bittersweets. I think this recipe was actually my great grandmother's, passed down to my grandmother at some point (and that's not to say it was an original recipe of hers either, as many of the recipes in the book came from other family members, and a couple were even taken from the sides of boxes). I'll preface this by saying these things are far from bitter, so the name doesn't really reflect what they are. I'm also not sure what category they belong in. Cookie? Minicake? Something else entirely? Here they are.

In any case, I noticed that I had all of the ingredients to make the cookie/cake part and most of the ingredients for the icing, but I didn't have the coconut or cream cheese for the filling. I'm not even sure how that works, by the way: how do you put filling and icing in/on a cookie or cake? Well, the problem was solved when I decided to go ahead and make them with just the icing. But I had to improvise on the icing because I didn't have chocolate chips to make it. So I used...

And it worked wonderfully.

Does anyone else like to cook or bake? I'm certainly no expert, but I do enjoy it, especially when it's a recipe from my grandma's book. What problems do you run into? Do you like to improvise? Because I feel like I do it all the time, sometimes because I don't like what's included in the recipe (like the nuts in Chocolate Bittersweets) so I leave that particular item out, other times because I feel like I'd like the recipe better with something else added. In this case, I took a risk using Nutella instead of chocolate chips, because while Nutella is fantastic, it is very different from actual chocolate in terms of taste, and in this case, it is also a completely different consistency (a spread) than chocolate chips (which are hard). Luckily, the chocolate had to be melted anyway, so it worked out. In short: Nutella can be used to make a really great icing, if you're a Nutella fan. You just have to be okay with a hazelnut taste in your chocolate.


  1. those cookies look delicious...i have such a sweet tooth and i like baking too (hence my last name) : )

  2. They look very similar to chocolate tops... except chocolate tops don't have any filling. The ingredients though, sound delicious. What does Nutella taste like anyways? I keep hearing it's good eats, but haven't gotten around to trying it.

  3. Nutella is awesome. Did you know that in France breakfast at home is often Nutella on bread (French,of course)? Great idea for an icing substitute. I'm going to try it on chocolate cupcakes.

  4. My kid loves Nutella. We put it on a waffle once, and for a week afterward every morning he kept yelling "Chocolate Waffle! Chocolate Waffle!"

  5. Thanks, Kristi!

    Sam: Nutella is chocolate hazelnut spread. Very good. You should pick some up (Walmart and Target have it, near the peanut butter, but you can probably find it in other places as well).

    Cate: Yes! I was actually turned onto Nutella by a friend from France. When I was in undergrad, my foreign language was French, and I had to take a tutorial class for it. The tutorial teachers are always young, native speakers of the language they are teaching, so my freshman year, we had Hélène. I really didn't talk to her much at the time, but we ended up keeping in touch, and now she is one of my closest friends. I think she was the third person I told when I was coming out of the closet – the first being my ex-girlfriend (but still close friend; that was really difficult), the second being a guy that I was interested in. Anyway, pretty much everything I know about France that I didn't learn in a classroom environment has come from her. I went to see her for Thanksgiving last year (she was in a master's program at Penn State and is now in a PhD program there), and we had a Raclette for Thanksgiving. :-)

    Vinnie: I love that! Start 'em early.
